Tips for Working From Home
Earlier this month, we shared tips for keeping your video conference professional while working from home. But, what about the hours or days where you don’t have meetings scheduled? How do you keep yourself on-task when working with all of your home comforts just a few steps away from your workspace? Take a look at these tips for working from home:
Set Boundaries
When you’re working at the office, do you go into work at whatever time you choose? Work in a different office every day? Creating time and space boundaries can help you stay focused on the tasks at hand, rather than putting work off to the side to complete later that night, or on the weekend. It also means that family time will be for family, and weekends will be for relaxing or honey-do lists, instead of trying to get extra work done well past your to-do list.
Stick to Your Routine
While getting up early and putting on a pair of slacks may not necessarily make you more productive, it can help you stick to a routine and feel a sense of normalcy, despite the changes in your work environment.
Take breaks
Once you are sticking to a routine, it can also become easy to get sucked into work and continue through lunch. Though you may not be able to run out for a coffee or sandwich right now, taking regular breaks to walk outside and get fresh air, or read a book while you eat lunch can be incredibly beneficial for your mental health.
Check In
If you’re accustomed to working in a larger office around a lot of coworkers, remember to check in with them. Sometimes even a short conversation with your officemate can inspire a new idea, or help you solve a problem in a way you hadn’t thought of before.
If you need assistance transitioning your workforce to remote connections and network access, the experts at BCS Voice & Data are here to help.