Today’s the Day to Protect Your Data
Did you know that today, March 31, is World Backup Day? Well, if you didn’t you do now, and it is time to take action! What better day than today to back up or plan to back up your important personal files and business critical data? After you’re done with the egg hunts and chocolate bunnies, consider taking steps to protect your data.
According to
“More than 60 million computers will fail worldwide in 2013. Only 1 in 4 people back up their information regularly–that’s roughly 45 million times this year where files will be lost forever. Even worse–113 cell phones are lost or stolen every minute in the United States alone. That’s hundreds of photos, conversations, calendars and more, gone in an instant.”
The statistics are staggering. What is even more shocking is how much trust we put into technology to protect vital information in our businesses and in our personal lives, when we all know that that technology sometimes fails. Are you ready to place yourself among the wise and tech-savvy by backing up your data? We sure hope so.
First thing’s first, read our blog post from last month, A Data Backup Strategy is Your Best Defense. It details the options you have for backing up business-critical information as well as the structure of a good security strategy for today’s small business. The best option for most businesses is cloud-based data backup and storage in the VMware virtual environment.
As for personal data, the strategic backup decisions are less complex and overwhelming. Whether on an external hard drive or an online cloud backup service, make and store copies of all important files on all data-heavy devices and websites. These might include:
- Desktop and laptop computers
- Smartphones
- Mp3 players
- Tablets
- Social Networks where you store valuable pictures
And remember, one copy is not enough! It is wise to make one or two copies of the initial copy, just to be safe. Store those extra copies somewhere different than your home or office (online or at a friend’s home). Give yourself some peace of mind by making the effort today to start protecting the files and the information that are precious to you.
If you have any questions about business data backup and storage, please don’t hesitate to call or contact BCS Voice and Data Solutions. We are here for you on World Backup Day and every other day of the year!